The emergence of a new variant of Covid-19 makes everyone more vigilant. Moreover, the spread rate of the Omicron variant is faster than the other variants. Therefore, there is a way that needs to be taken to strengthen the body's defense against the Omicron variant, namely through the third dose of vaccine or booster. This booster vaccination has been rolled out in early January 2022 and is eligible for people who have received the second dose of vaccine after three months. So, why should we get a booster shot? How effective is it to protect us against Covid-19?

Booster Shot Provide Stronger Protection
There are several types of vaccines used for the primary vaccination course, such as Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, and Pfizer. Some of these available vaccines have varying levels of efficacy, based on clinical trials from the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM). The efficacy level of Sinovac is 65.3%, AstraZeneca 62.1%, Sinopharm 78%, Moderna 94.1% for ages 18-65 years, and Pfizer 95.5% for over 16s. However, the efficacy of this vaccine also gradually decreased after six months. The CDC (Central of Disease Control and Prevention) in the United States revealed that the effectiveness of two doses of the vaccine will decrease to 57 percent after six months, which means the protection will decrease as well.
With the decreasing level of protection from primary vaccines over time, a third or booster dose of vaccine is needed. Based on government policy, booster vaccination rolled out in a heterologous model. This means the type of vaccine for a booster shot is different from the type given during the primary course. For example, those who get the Sinovac vaccine as their primary vaccine will get the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines. Meanwhile, those who get the AstraZeneca vaccine as their primary vaccine will get the Moderna vaccine. Each of these booster vaccines is given only half the dose. The booster vaccination model is in accordance with WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations. In addition to the combination, there is also a booster vaccination model that uses the same type of vaccine as the primary vaccine. However, this rule adjusts the policies applied by each country.
Even though only in half-dose, a booster shot is quite effective in protecting the body, especially against Omicron. Based on research, booster vaccines can provide protection up to 80-85.9% from severe illness caused by Omicron. For example, the CDC reported that booster vaccines were 82% effective at preventing admission to emergency health services. Meanwhile, those who were only vaccinated twice were only able to prevent 38%. This shows that the booster vaccine provides stronger protection than the primary vaccine alone.
Similarly, the results of a study conducted in Japan, booster vaccines are also effective in preventing the risk of the Omicron variant. It forms antibodies that are able to fight these variants. In addition, there are findings in the UK that the primary vaccine is only able to prevent the risk of death from Covid-19 by 60% at the age of 50 years and over. However, when getting a booster vaccine, after two weeks, the prevention increased to 95%. These figures show that booster vaccines are effectively used to protect against the severe risks posed by Covid-19.
Protection Gets Stronger When We Do This Too
Although a booster shot is effective at preventing Omicron variants, you should not ignore them right away either. Because, there are mild side effects from the vaccine, such as dizziness, fatigue, fever, or a sore arm. However, some people do not experience these side effects. Because of that, after getting vaccinated, we are advised by health workers not to stay up late, drink caffeine or energy drinks to avoid a high heart rate, and eat nutritious foods. Likewise, with self-preparation before vaccination. Make sure you eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, don't do strenuous exercise, and prepare painkillers.
In addition, it is also important to remember that vaccines can prevent you from becoming seriously ill if you are infected with Covid-19. This is because the Coronavirus is still spreading, so the body also needs time to form antibodies against Covid-19. So, what can be done to maximize protection? Several ways can be done to reduce the rate of spread of Covid-19 even though you have been vaccinated, namely:
Stay away from the crowd and keep your distance.
Use a mask that covers the nose and mouth.
Choose an open room. If you are active in the room, make sure the air ventilation is clean enough.
Wash your hands.
In essence, what is the difference between a primary vaccine and a booster vaccine? The answer is, with a booster, your protection against Covid-19 infection is getting stronger. This is because the level of efficacy decreases after six months. However, after getting the booster vaccine, you still need to follow health protocols, get enough rest, and eat nutritious food. So, for those who haven't received a booster show, now is the time to get jabbed. The registration for a booster shot is now even much easier. All you have to do is open the JAKI application, which can be downloaded via the Google Play Store or Apps Store.