The Jakarta Government is calling all of us to collaborate in putting an end to the Covid-19 outbreak. One of the concrete steps taken is to open the door of collaboration through Kolaborasi Sosial Berskala Besar (KSBB). The KSBB program which was launched in May 2020, consists of several sub-programs, including KSBB Pangan, KSBB UMKM, KSBB Pendidikan, and most recently the KSBB Permukiman.
[Aid Programs by the Jakarta Provincial Government During the Covid-19 Pandemic]
The implementation of the KSBB Permukiman program is based on the objective of fulfilling the rights of citizens' to a proper place to live. During this Covid-19 outbreak, the settlement density that lacks proper infrastructure may spread the virus even more and this is the last thing we want. In order to achieve this mission, Jakarta has also carried out an integrated and sustainable settlement area arrangement through the Settlement Quality Improvement program. Needless to say, for this mission to be successful, Jakarta relies heavily on our participation.
KSBB Permukiman Aims to Help 200 RW and 21 Villages
The Jakarta Government is targeting 200 neighborhood (RW) and 21 priority villages to receive the donation through KSBB Permukiman within 2017 up until 2022. Until now, there are 68 neighborhoods that are still waiting to be taken care of through the program. Some of the neighborhoods are including RW 006 Bungur Village, RW 001 West Cilandak Village, Cilincing RW 008 Village, Cipinang Besar Selatan Village RW 002, Cipulir RW 002 Village. For more list, you can head over to
What Kind of Aids Will Each do Neighborhood Receive?
There are four kinds of aids that will be provided to the targeted neighborhood through KSBB Permukiman program. These four categories of aid will then be compiled into one package for neighborhoods that will receive the KSBB Permukiman donation. The four categories are as follows
1. Greening
- Tree
- Arrangement of Green Public Space
- Trash can
- Vertical garden
2. Sanitation
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Toilet facility
3. Infrastructure
Traffic mirror
4. Heavy Assets
Street light
Aid Packages and Estimated Value
The packages available in KSBB Settlement are packages that have been determined according to the community plans and needs. There are three types of packages available that can be donated, namely:
Paket Penataan RW Utama. This package will be used to organize settlements in 1 RW as a whole and completely. The package with an estimated value of around 2 billion per RW consists of:
Heavy Assets
Other Facilities (Items cannot be selected, one package includes all)
Paket Penataan RW Lengkap. The estimated value of this package is 200-500 million per RW and consists of:
Other Facilities (Items cannot be selected, one package includes all)
Paket Penataan RW Bersama. This package provides certain infrastructure needed by each RW, so the estimated value of the package depends on the item chosen. The contents of this package are:
Other facilities and infrastructure (Items cannot be selected, one package includes all)
How to Join as a Collaborator?
Now you have gotten all the essentials that you need to know about this special program. It is time to do the real change by joining as a collaborator. Here are the steps you can follow:
Open and then select KSBB Penataan Permukiman

Select the target area that you want to donate to. See the list of areas that need assistance on the right side of your screen. After you found the area which you want to donate to, click on it and you will see some following informations. Scroll down until you find the Beri Bantuan button.
After that, you will be directed to the Form Komitmen Permukiman page. Please complete the requested data and click Send after everything has been completed.

Submit a statement of commitment to the website (further negotiations available if needed)
The next stage will be coordinating the realization and aid distribution with the Public Housing and Settlement Service (DPRKP)
Finally, collaborators and DPRKP will submit the results of your donations to the website
During this dire time, it is hoped that all of us can partake in helping each other’s life through this open collaboration. We have to do whatever it takes to stop the spread of the virus so no one's health is at stake. Through the KSBB Permukiman program, it is hoped that those who live in a highly-populated area would get a better life by living in a healthy and safe environment to stop the spread of Covid-19. We, as a Smartcitizen, are obliged to get this program reach its success. We can act as the co-creator of the government to support and oversee the government's regulation and the government takes part in protecting all the people through necessary actions. By walking hand in hand, we will get to the finish line as soon as possible. So, what do you think? Are you ready to collaborate?