In order to help ease the economic burden of vulnerable
families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Jakarta
has carried out the first phase of the social aid (bansos) programs on
April 9-23, 2020. The Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, revealed that
from a total of 1,178,173 aid packages, 98.4 percent have been
distributed successfully. "That is a step that we must appreciate
because it is not easy. The 1.6 percent will become material for
improvement, "he said. The government has also opened access for a
complete set of data on the distribution of the first phase of social aid through the official Jakarta’s COVID-19 Response Team website.
How to Know If You're Included as Recipient?
The mitigation of the coronavirus outbreak in the capital
continues, and the Government of Jakarta has started the second phase of
social aid programs on May 14-22. This time, the government will
distribute aid packages to around 2.4 million families who are
vulnerable during the pandemic.
To find out if you are included as a recipient, you can use the social aid information
feature on the Jakarta Response Team COVID-19 website. It's very easy
to do. Simply by entering your Family Card (KK) number and then clicking
the 'Search' button, you will immediately get a pop-up box stating
whether you are registered as a recipient for this phase.

If you are included in the list of recipients, then you are
entitled to a social aid package worth Rp275.000 from the Government of
Jakarta which contains several basic needs with the following
2 sacks of rice (@5 kg)
4 cans (@155 gr) or 2 cans (@425 gr) of sardines
1 can of biscuits, 2 pouches of cooking oil (@0,9 lt)
1 pouch of soy sauce (@520 ml)
Flour (@1 kg)
2 packs of glass noodle (@320 gr)
1 soap bar
Report Distribution Issues Through CRM
As stated by Governor Anies Baswedan, the Government of
Jakarta will make corrections and continue to work hard so that the
second phase of the social aid program runs smoothly and the packets
received by those who truly need it. You as a Smartcitizen can also
participate in realizing these expectations. For example, by reporting
any obstacles, violations, or problems that you encounter through
complaint channels that have been integrated into the Citizen Relation
Management (CRM) platform. If you want to use the JAKI application (Jakarta Kini), you can make a report with the Social Aid category
so that the relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) can take
action faster. Although it looks simple, this step is another form of
collaboration between the government and its citizens amid a pandemic,
so don't hesitate to report it!