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SIKM Jakarta: Do You Still Need It in 2021?

Amira Sofa

10 May 2021

Eid al-Fitr holiday is getting closer. However, this doesn’t make the Jakarta Provincial Government getting their guard off in mitigating Covid-19. Various actions have been made to keep the handling of the corona outbreak under control. One of them is by forbidding the homecoming (mudik) agenda which is usually carried out towards or during Eid season.

As stated in the Addendum to Circular Letter from Head of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021, the forbiddance of homecoming will be held from May 6 to May 17, 2021. However, it does not mean there will be no mobility between regions at all at that time. This is because the Jakarta Provincial Government will issue a SIKM (Exit-Entry Permit Letter) of DKI Jakarta Province. This is given to residents traveling for non-homecoming purposes, such as:

  1. Visit family members who are sick;

  2. Conduct bereavement visit to deceased family members;

  3. Pregnant women who are accompanied by 1 family member;

  4. Carry out labor and be accompanied by a maximum of 2 people. 

If you have any of the above types of visit during the 2021 homecoming season, then you need to immediately apply for SIKM. 

Procedures and Requirements for SIKM in 2021

To get SIKM, you need to submit an application to the JAKEVO website by uploading the required documents. Then, your files will be verified by the Capital Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Agency (UP PMPTSP). If the files are proven valid, the SIKM that has been signed electronically by the Head of Sub-district will be issued. You finally can download it on the same website.

The required files that must be uploaded are as follows:

  1. Visit family members who are sick

  1. The applicants’ ID Cards (KTP);

  2. A statement letter of illness for the visited family from the local health facility; and

  3. A statement letter with a stamp duty of Rp10.000 from the applicant stating the kinship relationship with the visited family. 

2.  Visit family members who passed away

  1. The applicants’ ID Cards. 

  2. A death certificate from the Puskesmas/Hospital of a death certificate from the sub-district/village; and

  3. A statement letter with a stamp duty of Rp10.000 from the applicant stating the kinship relationship with the deceased’s family. 

3. Pregnant/giving birth women

  1. The applicants’ ID Cards; and

  2. A statement letter of pregnancy/childbirth from a health facility.

4. Companion for pregnant/giving birth women

  1. The applicants’ ID Cards;

  2. A statement letter of pregnancy/childbirth from a health facility; and 

  3. A statement letter with a stamp duty of Rp10.000 from the applicant stating the relationship between husband, family, or kinship with the pregnant/giving birth woman. 

The example of SIKM is as follows.


Your SIKM will be issued no later than two days after the requirements are stated complete. This SIKM is valid as long as the period of homecoming ban is still in effect.

To be able to enter and exit the DKI Jakarta area, you do not only have to get SIKM, but also have to prepare and bring the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) or Antigen Swab or GeNose results that state that you are negative for Covid-19. The test sample is taken within 1x24 before the departing hours. 

What Are The Changes in This Year’s SIKM?

If we take a further examination towards the provisions,  there is a slight difference between the SIKM 2021 and the SIKM issued in 2020. Last year, SIKM could not only be obtained by residents who traveled for emergency purposes, but also workers in certain business sectors. Meanwhile, this year, travel permits will only be focused on residents in need because of emergency matters. With this renewal, it is hoped that the government’s effort to limit mobility will be more optimal and minimize the risk of Covid-19 transmission.

Those are the things that you need to know about SIKM which will be used during the upcoming homecoming omission period. For those of you who are not in the group of people with non-homecoming interests, please stay at home during Eid and adhere to health protocols. If you see violations of health protocols and PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) restrictions during the Eid season, you can report them anonymously through JAKI. The application can be downloaded via Google Play Store and App Store. Last but not least, let’s welcome the Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah with gratitude!

Citizens of Jakarta

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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