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Health Protocols in Various Sectors During Transition Period

Nadhif Seto Sanubari

03 August 2020

As we go through the PSBB Transition Period, more questions will pop up especially about what we can and cannot do during this confusing time. Luckily, the FAQ section of has recently been updated to include this information, conveniently divided into sectors. From restaurants to golf and driving ranges, the transition period protocol for all these business sectors is covered and explained in great detail. This sectoral information is crucial if you are an employee in these types of businesses so that you can know what you should and should not do when you come into work. All the info provided here is officially sourced from Governor’s Regulations and Departmental Decisions. So what can you find out from reading through this web page?

[The dos and don'ts during Transition Period]

Implementation of the Transition Period

This first part discusses the generalities of applying the PSBB Transition Period protocols in various locations and situations. Here, you can find out what should be done in schools, houses of worship, workplace, public places, and public transportation. Also detailed here is the Clean and Healthy Living (PHBS) method, as well as protocols in case a Covid-19 case is discovered in the workplace.

Cultural Sector

The cultural sector section details the Covid-19 prevention protocols for Provincial Government-owned museums as well as its operational hours. The 50% maximum capacity limit, explaining the preventive protocols to guests, as well as other requirements are explained.

Sports Sector

Sports activities are allowed during the transition period, even recommended to maintain your health and body immunity. Though, of course, there are protocols that must be applied to keep everyone safe such as physical distancing in open sports facilities and the prioritization of at-home exercises such as yoga and aerobics. You could also check which sports facilities are open to the public along with their operational hours.

Tourism Sector

Tourist attractions often become hotspots of activity and crowds which poses a high risk of spreading Covid-19. To prevent this, certain protocols must be put in place during the transition period. In this section of the FAQ, which tourism businesses are allowed to operate, from beaches to shopping centers along with the operational dates and hours for each type of business. It’s very important to read this section if you work at or are planning to visit a tourist attraction.

Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and SMEs Sector

For merchants, managers, retail, or factory workers, this section is one to pay attention to. Detailed here are the operational requirements and health protocols for factories, repair shops, photocopy centers, markets, and grocery stores. Info on Lokbin and Loksem are also available such as the rights and obligations of managers, health protocols, operational hours, and personal protective equipment. You can also identify the penalties and charges of protocol violations.

Child-Friendly Integrated Public Spaces (RPTRA) Sector

Protocol implementation in RPTRAs is paramount in keeping our children safe and healthy during their visit. Read this section to understand the responsibilities of the RPTRA manager to patrol and sanitize the RPTRA area.

Library Sector

For the avid readers and bookworms who can’t live without the library, it’s important for you to read the protocols that need to be prepared before your visit and applied while you are in the library. Don’t forget to check the operational hours. This section includes the public library service hours in Cikini, Kuningan, in the five districts of the city, and the Literature Documentation Center HB Jassin.

Transportation Sector

Many of you commute to work each day by public transport or motorcycle taxi, and some of you are the drivers of these transports themselves. Thus, it is important to make sure you know all the protocols required for each public transport such as the Transjakarta buses, MRT, and LRT which have their own operating hours. Motorcycle taxi drivers must prioritize passenger safety and perform the protocols written in this section. This section also details the requirement for offices and shopping centers to provide bicycle parking.

Restaurants Sector

Restaurants are probably the location in which cleanliness and health protocols are most upheld, pandemic or no pandemic. The requirements detailed in this section touch upon serving food and cleaning utensils in order to maintain the hygienic standards. Also written here is the management’s obligation to renew their Certificate of Eligibility (SLS).

Hotel Sector

Every day, hotels receive large amounts of guests that come and go. Due to this, health protocols must be applied in order to mitigate the high risk. This section details what must be done during the guests’ stay, departure, and arrival. These protocols also apply to management, reception, housekeeping, kitchen staff, as well as public places such as meeting rooms and swimming pools.

Golf and Driving Range Sector

During the transition period, prevention methods also apply in golf courses such as how each golf ball can only be held by one player and how the caddies must always sit at the back of the golf cart. Further protocols on management, reception, housekeeping, and golfers can be read here.

Museum and Art Gallery Sector

Similar to other tourist destinations, museums and galleries must also implement the Covid-19 prevention protocol to assure the safety of guests and employees alike. The protocols detailed in this section apply to visitors, staff, and facilities within the museum or gallery.

Homestay/Resort Services in Kepulauan Seribu

Managers, employees, and guests at the many resorts in Kepulauan Seribu also have their own set of protocols for the transition period. Similar to the Hotel Sector, this part also details the protocols for management, reception, housekeeping, kitchen staff, and public places (meeting rooms, fitness centers, business centers).

Dive Center and Dive Operator Services in Kepulauan Seribu

Other than homestays and resorts, Kepulauan Seribu also provides a lot of dive centers that are quite popular with tourists. So, these services will require very specific health protocols such as the sanitization of diving gear, compressor tanks, and dive boats. Procedures on handling guests who may be infected with Covid-19 is also a must-read.

Shopping Center Section

Shopping centers and grocery stores are another locations that would normally have many customers in an enclosed space, and as such would need limitations and requirements for the transition period. You can learn the obligations of management in protecting their employees and customers, as well as sanitization procedures within the shopping areas.

Barbershop and Salon Sector

Some of you may have been wanting to get a haircut for months but couldn’t due to the PSBB restrictions. Fortunately, now some barbershops and salons are gradually reopening, with health protocols implemented of course. Employees must read this section carefully as it talks about hygiene standards, sanitization, and physical distancing.

Tourism Area, Recreational Parks, Theme Parks, and Wildlife Parks Sector

Similar to the other tourist attractions already mentioned, recreational parks, theme parks, and wildlife parks must also adopt strict health protocols especially if they are expecting to admit large amounts of guests. Employee operational methods, guest screening at the entrance, sanitization protocols, and prevention of large queues should be noted.

The information of each sector provided in this FAQ page is quite comprehensive, and you are highly advised to go through them especially if you are a manager, employee, or visitor in the business sectors mentioned above. With everyone pitching in, we can all stay safe and healthy during this transition period.

Transition Period
Jakarta Covid-19 Response

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Nadhif Seto Sanubari

Penulis dan penerjemah alumni Universitas Bina Nusantara, dengan pengalaman internasional di University of Bradford, UK dan Deakin University, Australia.

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