In the information age that we currently live in, the world
may seem a lot smaller than it actually is. Any knowledge that we seek
fits into the palm of our hand and could easily be accessed through the
push of a button or a tap of a screen. The matter of communication is no
longer hindered by distance. Now we can talk to family, friends, even
strangers who live on the other side of the planet as easily as we would
our own neighbor. All these conveniences that we often take for granted
come to us through the power of a tool called the internet.
Internet As Modern-Day Necessity
This technology that has its roots as a means of
communication reserved for the US Department of Defense gradually
evolved and spread into the rest of the world, becoming the
interconnecting and all-encompassing medium we all know today. According
to data provided by,
4.5 billion people or 59% of the world population are active internet
users. Indonesia is not missing out on this modernizing trend either,
with 175.4 million
of its citizens regularly accessing the internet on a daily basis, thus
putting Indonesia in 4th place as a nation with the most internet users
in the world.
Internet Untuk Semua Program: Free Internet For All
Of course, among this astonishing statistic, many of the
individuals included are citizens of the capital. Jakartans are no
strangers to the internet and social media. Retrieving a smartphone out
of a pocket and touching a screen is as natural as breathing or
speaking. Unfortunately, not all areas or walks of life in Jakarta are
privileged enough to enjoy watching a video on Youtube or chatting with
someone on Whatsapp. Furthermore, the pandemic now requires access to
the interwebs for many, since work and school activities are now done
remotely through online platforms. Therefore, the Jakarta Provincial
Government developed the Internet Untuk Semua - JakWIFI program,
internet for all. JakWIFI is aimed at improving the quality of public
services through the provision of free wifi in areas not covered by free
internet services, spread across 5 cities, and 1 administrative
district. Currently, it is more focused on densely populated residential

JakWIFI is mainly aimed at citizens who live in areas where
internet access is harder to come by, especially students who are
required to undergo online studies from home. Taking this main target
into account, JakWIFI will be launched on the 19th August 2020 with the
installation of Wi-Fi devices in dense settlement areas so that many
families who previously do not have access can now be connected
digitally with the rest of Jakarta as well as the world. Not only dense
settlements and villages, the Internet Untuk Semua program will
gradually spread to many spots across the capital city. Public locations
such as city parks, child-friendly integrated public spaces (RPTRA),
and government offices will also receive Wi-Fi devices. Over
4.900 locations--out of 9.413 target spots--around Jakarta, as well as
Kepulauan Seribu, will become designated Wi-Fi spots, most of which are
public and private school buildings. To further increase accessibility,
wireless internet services will be available 24/7 and can be used by
anyone for free.
Find JakWifi in JAKI
Other than that, you can also search for the closest Wi-Fi
points through the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) app. Just open JAKI and tap on
the JakWifi feature. If you already installed JAKI, please update your
app or if you don’t, you can download it from the Google Play Store or App Store. Through JakWifi feature, you can scan the surrounding area and find the nearest Wi-Fi points.

If you have trouble finding a Wi-Fi spot, you can choose a
spot on the screen then tap the map button on the right. This way will
take you to Google Maps and make it easier for you to get to the spot.
The rapid rise in technology and trade of information grows
quicker with each passing day. Internet usage has evolved from a luxury
to a necessity for many and in various aspects of life. So it seems
only fair that all citizens should have equal opportunities in making
use of this indispensable tool. With more widespread internet access,
sharing knowledge will become easier and Jakarta will be one step closer
to becoming a smarter city.