Have you ever been curious about how vaccinations are developing in Jakarta today? You may ask yourself, where can the data be seen from? For that, you now can see data on the development of vaccinations through the vaccination dashboard that has been provided by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. This dashboard can be accessed through the corona.jakarta.go.id. To find out more, let’s see the brief introduction of it.
Various Information Available in the Dashboard
The type of information on the vaccination dashboard is visualized in quite diverse charts such as tables, graphs, and maps. The presentation of the data is useful to facilitate and support the ongoing vaccination programs. As the following example.

The dashboard is also rich with useful data ranging from general data of vaccinations, the coverage of vaccination areas, vaccination quotas in Jakarta, and vaccination mapping by region. Each of these has several kinds of information loaded. Here are some of them.
Information about Vaccinations

This section can be found in the main vaccination registration menu. You can get the direct access to book an appointment for Covid-19 vaccine, information related to the vaccines, like why we should be vaccinated, who can be vaccinated, the stages of vaccination, and the explanation of the side-effects of vaccination. All information is briefly and clearly presented.
Vaccination Area Coverage

In this dashboard, there is information on the trends of distribution and coverage of the first dose vaccine at the sub-district level. The data presented on this dashboard are a map of regional coverage, tables of accumulation of the first dose of vaccines per region, graphs on vaccine coverage, and achievement of first dose target per sub-district in Jakarta. As a result, with this dashboard, you can monitor the progress of vaccinations based on your district.
JAKI Vaccination Quota

In this dashboard, Smartcitizens can utilize the available information to monitor daily quota of vaccines at each health facility before making an appointment with JAKI. On the dashboard, you can see a table about the location of vaccinations, the amount of quota, the remaining quota, the date and time of vaccination, as well as the location of the district and its sub-districts. From this dashboard, it makes it easier for you to see the availability of vaccination quotas based on the location and schedule you want to choose in JAKI.
Vaccination Map by Region

Lastly, there is a dashboard on the vaccination map by region on RT and urban village level. You will find a map of the area in a more detailed view, as well as other information, such as the number of first and second dose of vaccine, and the number of vaccinated recipients per category (health workers, seniors, public servants, etc.). The existence of this detailed vaccination map will make it easier for local governments to control the spread of Covid-19 in their respective regions.
And that is the brief explanation of the vaccination dashboard that has been provided by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. Such information can help to know the development of vaccination and regional control for the implementation of vaccination. The dashboard is equipped with visualizations in the form of maps and tables, making it easier to understand the data presented. For more details, Smarticitizen can access the vaccination dashboard through the corona.jakarta.go.id.