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Things You Should Know About Second PSBB in Jakarta

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

28 September 2020

The Provincial Government of Jakarta has taken a firm action by reimposing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) amid rising Covid-19 cases in the capital. Through this latest implementation of another PSBB period - second of the year, the movement of Jakarta people is limited to reduce the number of transmission of the coronavirus outbreak. The emergency brake measure will last for two weeks until 11 October 2020 and still can be extended again if the condition requires. A number of activities and businesses that were relaxed during the transition period are now facing fresh restrictions, from limiting capacity to temporary closing.

The rules and mechanisms of the second PSBB are mainly based on Governor Regulation No. 88 of 2020 and several other legal sources that have been previously released by the provincial government.

11 Essential Sectors Operate With Limited Capacity

As written in Governor Regulation No. 88 of 2020, there are 11 essential sectors that have received exemptions and allowed to continue operating during the PSBB:

  1.  health;

  2.  food and beverage;

  3.  energy;

  4.  communication and information technology;

  5.  financial;

  6.  logistic;

  7.  Hospitality;

  8.  Construction;

  9.  strategic industry;

  10.  essential/daily needs;

  11.  basic service, public utility, and industries determined as critical national infrastructure or other certain infrastructure.

Even with the exemptions, the owner or manager of the workplace still has the responsibility to comply with the health protocols. They also have to ensure that the number of workers or people is not more than 50 percent of the normal capacity.

Some special rules also apply in certain sectors. For restaurants or dining establishments, services may only be made for takeaway, online ordering, or delivery services. Meanwhile, hotels must provide special services for visitors who want to self-isolate.

Unlike in the first PSBB, the private and non-essential office sectors are now allowed to remain open. However, during the working or business hours, stricter rules must be applied and followed, one of which is limiting the maximum capacity to 25 percent. The same provisions also apply to central and regional government offices/agencies located in red or high-risk zones.

As an effort to control the spread of the pandemic, offices with Covid-19 positive workers or occupants must temporarily be closed for at least 3 days of operation.

Public Facilities during PSBB

Crowd prevention is one of the most effective steps to break the chain of Covid-19 transmission. Therefore, the Provincial Government of Jakarta has again reimposed a number of restrictions on a number of activities and public facilities in the capital with the following details:

  •  Recreational places: Closed

  •  Parks: Closed

  •  Child-Friendly Integrated Public Places (RPTRA): Closed

  •  Market and shopping centres: Open with 50% capacity limits and strict health protocols

  •  Wedding: Only at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) or Civil Registry Office

  •  Sports: Only at home

  •  Schools and other education institutions: Closed

  •  Places of worship: Open with 50% capacity limits and only for places of worship in the residential area used by local residents

  •  Public facilities: Closed with no mass gathering of more than five people

Mobility Control

To further reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission in cars, bikes, and public transportation, the Provincial Government of Jakarta reimplements several regulations related to the movement or mobility of people outside the home. In the second PSBB period, public transportation services will be limited, both in terms of the number of fleets and operational hours. Private vehicles are still allowed to cross the streets of the capital, but with the application of strict physical distances inside the vehicle. The other rules and measures regarding community mobility during the second PSBB period are summarized in the following list:

  •  Odd-even policy: Not enforced

  •  Private vehicles: Maximum of 2 occupants per row, unless from the same home

  •  Public transportation: Passengers are limited to 50% of normal capacity

  •  Taxi (conventional & online): Passengers are limited to 50% of normal capacity

  •  Rental car: Passengers (including the driver) are limited to 50% of normal capacity

  •  Entrance-Exit Permit: Not enforced

  •  Car Free Day: Postponed/closed

As for the regulations concerning ojek and ride-hailing service during the second PSBB, it will be based on the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, which is currently in the testing phase.

Public Transportation Operational Hours

As mentioned above, Jakarta will limit public transportation services during the second PSBB period. Referring to the Decree of the Head of the Jakarta Transportation Service Number 156 of 2020, the following list is the modified operating hours of public transportation services in Jakarta which are divided into three periods. The first period is valid between 14-16 September 2020; the second period between 17-20 September; and the third period between September 21 onwards.


First period: Operational hours 05.00 - 22.00 WIB with a headway of 5-10 minutes (weekdays) and 10 minutes (weekends).

Second period: Operational hours 05.00 - 20.00 WIB with 10 minutes headway on weekdays and weekends.

Third period: Operational hours 05.00 - 19.00 WIB with 10 minutes headway on weekdays and weekends.


First period: Operational hours 05.30 - 21.00 WIB with 10 minutes headway on weekdays and weekends.

Second period: Operating hours 05.30 - 20.00 WIB with a headway of 20 minutes on weekdays and weekends.

Third period: Operational hours 05.30 - 19.00 WIB with 20 minutes headway on weekdays and weekends.

Commuter Line

First period: Operational hours 05.00 - 21.00 WIB

Second period: Operational hours 05.00 - 20.00 WIB

Third period: Operational hours 05.00 - 19.00 WIB


First period: Operational hours 05.00 - 22.00 WIB with a headway of 3-10 minutes during peak hours and 10-15 minutes during normal hours (off-peak).

Second period: Operational hours 05.00 - 20.00 WIB with a headway of 5-15 minutes during peak hours and 15-30 minutes during normal hours (off-peak).

Third period: Operational hours 05.00 - 19.00 WIB with a headway of 5-15 minutes during peak hours and 15-30 minutes during normal hours (off-peak).

Sanctions for PSBB Violations

To maintain discipline and order during the implementation of the PSBB, the provincial government also regulates the mechanism of sanctions that are given to health protocol violators. This is based on Governor Regulation No. 79 of 2020. The form of sanctions can be in the form of social work to progressive fines. Repeated violations will increase the number of fines that are imposed on the violator.

Sanction examples of an individual violation

  •  Not wearing a mask once: One hour of social work or a fine of IDR250 thousand.

  •  Not wearing a mask twice: 2 hours of social work or a fine of IDR500 thousand.

  •  Not wearing a mask 3 times: 3 hours of social work or a fine of IDR750,000.

  •  Not wearing a mask 4 times: 4 hours of social work or a fine of IDR1 million.

Regulations for business owners related to health protocols

  •  Positive case finding: Temporary Closing of minimum 3x24 hours for disinfecting.

  •  First protocol violation: Temporary Closing of maximum 3x24 hours.

  •  Second protocol violation: Administrative fine of IDR50 million.

  •  Third protocol violation: Administrative fine of IDR100 million.

  •  Fourth protocol violation: Administrative fine of IDR150 million.

  •  Overdue fines of more than seven days: Revocation of business license.

In processing and tracking PSBB violations, Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) officers are now supported with JakAPD. Through this application, everything related to data collection on PSBB violations can be done digitally. In addition, JakAPD also allows the public to participate in monitoring information on violations of PSBB rules through the dashboard available at


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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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