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How To Apply For Covid-19 Controlled-Isolation Facilities

Nana Nurwaesari

22 July 2021

It doesn't feel like we've been facing the Covid-19 pandemic for over a year. Perhaps Smartcitizen already feels tired from having to wear a mask every time out of the house, not traveling if it is not an urgent matter, and complying with a series of other health protocols. But, believe me, it's all for the health of all of us. In an effort to reduce the number of covid-19 spread, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta decided to re-implement the Implementation of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM). 

During the Emergency PPKM period, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government set a number of restrictions on activity and mobility, as an effort to overcome the surge in Covid-19 cases.. Therefore, it is expected that all individuals affected by Covid-19, despite mild or asymptomatic symptoms, will continue to self-isolate.

Can Covid-19 Patients Isolate Independently at Home?

There is no prohibition for Covid-19 patients with mild or no symptoms from self-isolation at homes or private facilities. However, there are several important requirements that must be met, so that the place is suitable to be occupied during self-isolation, such as:

  • Obtain approval from the owner of the house or facility used;

  • has a recommendation from the local RT/RW Covid-19 Handling Task Force and is determined by the local village head as the head of the Kelurahan Task Force. So, there is a network of cooperation between all parties for monitoring Covid-19 patients;

  • there is no resistance from local residents;

  • only inhabited by people with confirmed Covid-19 without symptoms or mild symptoms;

  • the location of a separate isolation room from the household member;

  • has an in-room bathroom or has a separate bathroom used only by the patient;

  • doesn’t share eating and drinking utensils with other household members;

  • the air circulation is well controlled and comfortable;

  • availability of clean running water is adequate;

  • the house is not in a dense settlement and at least 2 meters away from other houses.

During self-isolation at home, patients are expected to proactively report their daily conditions to health workers who regularly monitor the condition of Covid-19 patients via electronic media. If the symptoms get worse, the patient must immediately report his condition to the health worker, so that if the condition worsens, the patient will be referred to a health facility for further treatment.

Stay Safe and Comfortable in Controlled Isolation Facilities

Because not all residents of Jakarta can carry out self-isolation in a comfortable place and meet the criteria for health protocols, which if continued will be very dangerous for the people around who live with the Covid-19 patient. What's more, the negative stigma against Covid-19 patients in society is still very high.

Therefore, in order to ensure that residents exposed to Covid-19 are safe and comfortable during the self-isolation, and reduce anxiety from those around patients. The Jakarta Provincial Government has taken the initiative to provide controlled isolation facilities that can be used by people with confirmed Covid-19 without symptoms (OTG) or mild symptoms.

For residents of Jakarta, the Provincial Government DKI Jakarta has provided various controlled self-isolation facilities. Among them are the Nagrak Flats (Rusun), self-isolation facilities at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Ragunan, and other self-isolation sites.

New Features to Monitor Availability of Self-Isolation Facilities

As you already know, Jakarta has a dedicated website for its Covid-19 mitigation efforts, This website contains various information related to the handling of Covid-19 in Jakarta, ranging from daily positive case reports, vaccination data, Covid-19 distribution maps in Jakarta, availability of beds in hospitals, to collaborative platforms to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now, the newest feature on this website has been added, which is the Bed Availability in Jakarta Isolation Facility. In this feature there is some useful information that you can get.

Controlled isolation room bed capacity data in Jakarta. (source:

From the graph above, we can see some information regarding controlled self-isolation facilities in three main isolation places in Jakarta, which are isolation facilities at the Nagrak, Ragunan, and TMII. You can see the total bed capacity, the number of patients that are currently self-isolating and the latest information of usage percentage of the facilities. You can also move the cursor to a specific date and see the number of bed capacity, total of self-isolating patients, and the number of patients in each facility on the date you selected. 

For a more detailed look of the graph, you can see the table under the graph which shows more detailed data with the rest of the bed and the percentage of the beds that have been used.

To view this feature, you can visit the website, select the data menu, then select Bed Availability in Isolation Facility or visit the following link at

Government-Controlled Isolation Locations in Jakarta

Nagrak Flats Controlled Isolation Facility (Source:

According to Jakarta Governor's Decree (Kepgub) No. 762 of 2021 regarding Isolation Locations in the Context of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Handling, there are various controlled self-isolation locations provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and free of charge. The isolation facilities include Graha Wisma TMII with a capacity of 100 people (Jalan Raya TMII, Cipayung, Ceger, Cipayung District, East Jakarta), Nagrak Cilincing Flats with a capacity of 2,550 (Jl. Sarang Bango No.18, RW.5, Marunda, Cilincing Sub-district, North Jakarta), Kebon Melati Arts Center with a capacity of 85 people (Jl. KH Mas Mansyur, RT.1/RW.17, Melati Kb, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta,), and other isolation facilities. You can see a complete list of controlled isolation in Jakarta by downloading the Governor's Decree Number 762 of 2021 here.

Paid Self-Isolation Facilities at Hotels in Jakarta

In addition to providing controlled isolation facilities, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through its Department of Tourism and Creative Economy also opens opportunities for hotels in Jakarta to participate in providing self-isolation facilities for Jakartans. Through the Jakarta Department of Tourism and Creative Economy Official Letter  No. 370/SE/2020 regarding the provision of controlled isolation packages for Covid-19 asymptomatic patients in non-government facilities, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government invites hotels that want to provide paid self-isolation services. Since the system is paid, hotels that participate in the program will not receive government subsidies either partially or fully from the central government and the provincial government.

These hotels will serve as an alternative for Covid-19 asymptomatic’s patients who are not willing to self-isolate in locations facilitated by both the central government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Hotels that register to become paid self-isolation facilities for residents will be reviewed for eligibility and will be published through news channels owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Currently, there are 13 hotels that provides a Paid Self-Isolation Facility in Jakarta:

  1. Nite and Day Jakarta Bandengan;

  2. Ibis Jakarta Senen Hotel;

  3. Ibis Jakarta Harmoni Hotel;

  4. Mega Anggrek Hotel and Convention;

  5. Grand Asia Hotel;

  6. Blue Sky Pandurata Jakarta;

  7. Emperor Hotel;

  8. Pop Hotel Kelapa Gading;

  9. Ibis Style Jakarta Mangga Dua;

  10. Alia Matraman Hotel;

  11. Kalisma Syariah Hotel;

  12. Mega Proklamasi Hotel;

  13. Wisma BSA (Barfo Sis Alkhairaat).

The characteristics of patients who can be treated in Paid Self-Isolation Facilities are asymptomatic patients with following conditions:

  • Covid-19 patients with positive Rapid Antigen (pending PCR confirmation results) or test positive in PCR;

  • With/without controlled comorbidities according to screening results.

  • Oxygen levels in the blood >95%;

Criteria and Procedures Self-Isolation in The Controlled Facilities 

It should be noted that not all Covid-19 patients can be treated at the controlled isolation location provided by the Jakarta Provincial Government. For example, patients with moderate and comorbid symptoms cannot be referred for controlled isolation in the facilities provided. In addition, patients are also prohibited from coming alone to the isolation location. Because there are a number of special requirements that can declare a patient fit to self-isolate in existing facilities, namely:

  • Confirmed positive for Covid-19 without symptoms. Patients with mild symptoms must receive a referral letter from the Puskesmas or hospital for self-isolation;

  • obliged to sign a letter of willingness to undergo self-isolation;

  • complying with procedures and regulations in controlled isolation facilities;

  • incapable of carrying self-isolation at home in accordance with health protocols.

For the referral submission procedure, you can follow the steps below:

  • Completing the requirements (referral letter from the Puskesmas with the statement 'Not Able to Self Isolate at Home' from the RT/RW);

  • The health worker confirms the patient's willingness to be picked up:

  1. If willing, the officer immediately refer the patient to the facility

  2. If willing, but using other facilities (not owned by the Pemprov), the officer coordinates with the local Task Force to assess feasibility according to controlled isolation procedures.

  3. If the location is deemed inadequate and the patient is not willing to be referred, the officer informs the local Task Force/Lurah/Camat/RT/RW who also accompanies health officers, ambulances, Satpol PP, Police, TNI, and related elements to make a forced pickup to the location controlled isolation.

  • Have a positive Covid-19 PCR lab result;

  • Able to move independently during isolation;

  • Comply with self-isolation regulations in controlled isolation locations.

Although the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has provided controlled isolation facilities for Covid-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic symptoms (OTG), this pandemic will not necessarily end. Strong participation and collaboration between the community and the government in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic is urgently needed. Don't forget to stick to the health protocols! Washing hands, wearing masks, keeping distance, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility, as well as reporting violations of emergency PPKM through JAKI. Let's face the Covid-19 pandemic together!


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Nana Nurwaesari

Nana Nurwaesari adalah content writer Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Ilmu Politik di Universitas Nasional dengan fokus Ekonomi Politik. Ia dapat ditemui di Instagram @waesarinana.

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