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Always on standby for the COVID-19 pandemic with JAKI

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

07 April 2020

Smartcitizen, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has not subsided yet requires us to remain vigilant. As we know, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has also extended the status of COVID-19 Disaster Emergency Response from April 5 to April 19, 2020. This means that calls to limit mobility outside the home are still ongoing, except for essential needs such as shopping. basic ingredients or other activities related to health. This step needs to be taken by the government so that the curve of the number of cases can be pressed as smart as possible while at the same time reducing the workload of medical personnel who are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus in Your Environment with JakLapor
The Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan, appealed to stay at home as well as a recommendation to work from home. Well, Smartcitizen, if you are one of the workers in Jakarta who still gets calls to attend the office, you can use the Jakarta now (JAKI) application. Through the report feature on JAKI, you can make a report on your workplace. How to? Let's go, we see the steps.

  1. Take a photo: First, through the Report feature in the JAKI application, take a photo of where you work
  2. Select category: In this case, you can select the category 'Employer-Employer Relations'
  3. Write a description: Fill in the company name, company address, company email, and company social media 
  4. Submit a report: If the details or information about the violation you wish to report are complete, then the final step is to send and monitor the status of your report.

This report will be followed up by the Jakarta Manpower and Transmigration Office by giving a warning letter to companies that have not implemented work from home. Apart from offices, other events or activities that have the potential to cause a crowd, be it entertainment or religious in nature, will also be temporarily eliminated. Previously, the provincial government also took the initiative to close tourist spots to prevent crowds.

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Well, if you still see residents or people gathering, for example because someone held a shock market, you can also report it through JAKI. Like how? Not much different.

  1. Take photos: With the Report on JAKI feature, take photos of the crowd or crowds you meet
  2. Select category: For this example, you can choose the category 'Peace and Order disturbance' 
  3. Write a description: After writing a description, also include the complete address where the crowd occurred (RT, RW, Kelurahan, and Kecamatan) 
  4. Send reports: If everything is filled in, then you just have to send and continue to monitor the reports created. 

When the report is received, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Rapid Community Response (CRM) system will initiate a coordination process with local officials for dissolution. In addition, officers will also provide socialization to residents about the importance of staying at home during the corona pandemic.

Latest COVID-19 Data and Information is in JakWarta
Smartcitizen, did you know that the features in JAKI are not only limited to making reports? Yes, in the midst of this pandemic, JAKI is also here for those of you who want to know the latest information and data regarding corona virus cases in Jakarta. First, on the main page, you will find the Jakarta Tanggap COVID-19 link which will take you to the official information portal

Then through the JakWarta feature, JAKI also periodically releases brief updates on COVID-19 case data every day, starting from the cumulative number of positive cases, in treatment, independent isolation, patients declared cured, and patients who died. Afraid to miss the updated data? Don't worry, because JAKI will activate a push notification on your cellphone every time there is an update. Apart from that, JakWarta also contains news articles on handling COVID-19 in the capital city provided by colleagues from

Stay at Home, Monitor Food Prices with JakPangan
In supporting the policy of staying at home, PD Pasar Jaya, a regional company owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, has opened a service for ordering food from home. That way, people do not need to come directly to the market, but simply contact the traders via telephone. Meanwhile, for delivery, PD Pasar Jaya has also collaborated with online motorcycle taxi services.

Now, before placing an order, you can check the prices of basic necessities in the market of your choice with the JakPangan feature on JAKI. If you have questions, each market also includes a telephone number that you can call.

Now, Smartcitizen knows that JAKI is very useful in current conditions and situations. So, what are you waiting for, explore and take advantage of the features in JAKI so that you can always be alert to the COVID-19 pandemic and stay #DiRumahAja.


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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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