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Question About Vaccines? Ask It Through JAKI

Syora Alya Eka Putri

13 October 2021

Smartcitizen, when trying to access the latest information services related to vaccination or the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta, have you ever encountered any obstacles? You may also sometimes feel confused to ask questions or have trouble finding a place that can provide that information quickly. Well, take it easy, because there is a new assistant named JAVA who can help you by providinge information related to public services through the JAKI application. So, what can this new assistant at JAKI do?

JAVA, Your New Dependable Assistant

JAVA or Jakarta Virtual Assistant is a chatbot that can help you by providing e information and solutions to problems you encounter while accessing public services in Jakarta. To get assistance from JAVA you can head over to JAKI and look in the upper right corner for a headset icon. After tapping the headset icon, the "Yuk Ngobrol" (let’s chat) button will appear that will enable you to chat with JAVA. Then, you can ask about solutions to problems you encounter when accessing services in Jakarta or seek information regarding ongoing programs from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. 

What's New 

With the ever-changing of what the community needs, JAVA underwent several updates. This of course so that JAKI users can get more specific and accurate services. JAVA is now more focused on giving you answers and information about vaccinations, PPKM, or tax-related services. Then, what information can you get? For example, if you experience problems regarding vaccinations such as vaccination quotas, vaccination registration status that has not changed, or cannot download pre-screening results, you can easily ask all of that in JAVA. Later, JAVA will provide quick responses and accurate answers so that you can find solutions to the problems you are experiencing and immediately know what steps you can take next. In other words, these updates will give you an alternative for getting faster answers to the obstacles you face. You no longer need to be confused in finding the information you want to know. You simply tell JAVA what information you want to ask and JAVA is ready to provide the information you need.

Well, that's just a sneak peek of what you will get with your new assistant. Try now, and JAVA will help you provide every answer through the new digital experience at JAKI. Get the Jakarta's super app via Google Play Store or App Store. Google Play Store or App Store.


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Syora Alya Eka Putri

Seorang content writer di Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Kebijakan Pembangunan Sosial di Universitas Indonesia.

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