The Jakarta Provincial Government has extended the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 3 until October 4, 2021 to suppress the transmission of Covid-19. During PPKM Level 3, there are several public places that are allowed to operate while still implementing health protocols. The public places are divided based on their sectors. Do you want to know what public places are open during PPKM Level 3? Read the regulations summarized from the Governor’s Decree Number 1122 of 2021 below.
Non-essential sector workplaces or offices are allowed to operate offline with 25% capacity. Employees who are allowed to work from the office must have been vaccinated and must check-in and check-out through the PeduliLindungi application before entering and leaving the building. Meanwhile, workplaces or offices in the essential sector of finance and banking which include insurance, banks, pawnshops, futures exchanges, pension funds, and financial institutions can operate with a maximum capacity of 50% staff for locations related to public services and 25% for administrative services offices. Offices in essential sectors such as capital markets and information and communication technology which include cellular operators, data centers, internet, media can operate a maximum of 50%.
Non-quarantine handling hotels can also operate at 50% capacity, implement check-in and check-out for employees and visitors, provisions for green and yellow categories in the PeduliLindungi application for visitors, screening before entering public facilities and meeting rooms, as well as providing food or beverages in boxes and not buffet. Visitors under 12 years old can get into the hotel by showing an Antigen (H-1)/PCR (H-2) test letter stating negative for Covid-19. Offices in the export-oriented and supporting industrial sector can operate with a shift system with a capacity of 50% staff per shift in production facilities/factories or 10% in office administration services, and implement employee check-in check-out. Employees are also not allowed to eat together. Essential sectors in the government are required to follow the technical provisions issued by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia to operate during PPKM Level 3.
Workplaces/offices in critical health and safety and order sectors can operate 100% without exception. Offices in the critical sector for disaster management, energy, logistics, postal, transportation and distribution, food and beverages and their supports, fertilizers and petrochemicals, cement and building materials, national vital objects, national strategic projects, construction, and basic utilities are allowed to operate 100% staff only in production/construction/service facilities to the community. For office administration services, a maximum capacity of 25% of staff is applied. The office is also required to implement a check-in and check-out system for all employees and visitors who enter production/construction/service facilities and office administration areas. Especially for disaster management offices, they are required to obtain a recommendation from the Technical Ministry for Sector Development before obtaining access to use the PeduliLindungi application.
Educational Institutions
Photo: beritajakarta.idLearning activities at educational institutions can be done face-to-face with limitations or remotely. Face-to-face Learning (PTM) can be carried out with a maximum capacity of 50%, except for SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, SMALB, and MALB with a maximum of 62% to 100% and for PAUD a maximum of 33% by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.
Groceries and Convenience Stores
Supermarkets, hypermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets selling daily necessities can operate until 9 p.m with a capacity of 50% of visitors. Especially for the main market, it operates according to operating hours. All visitors and workers of supermarkets and hypermarkets are required to use the PeduliLindungi application. Pharmacies and drug stores can be open 24 hours. Public markets that sell non-daily necessities can operate with a maximum capacity of 50% until 5 p.m. Street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barbershops, laundry, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washes, and similar places are allowed to open until 9 p.m.
Restaurants and Cafes
Food stalls/warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls, and similar places are allowed to open and provide dine-in services until 9 p.m with a maximum of 50% of visitors of capacity and a maximum of 60% of dine time. Restaurants, cafes in buildings/shops or open areas at their own location or shopping centers are allowed to open with provisions for dine-in until 9 p.m maximum capacity of 50%, maximum of 2 people at 1 table, maximum dine time of 60 minutes, and check-in and check-out for visitors and employees. Restaurants, cafes with operating hours starting at night may operate with the provision of dine-in service at 6 p.m to 12 a.m, maximum capacity 25%, 1 table for maximum 2 people, maximum dine time of 60 minutes, and check-in and check-out using the PeduliLindungi application.
Shopping Centers/Malls/Trade Centers
Shopping centers/malls/trade centers may operate with a maximum capacity of 50% until 9 p.m. Visitors and workers are required to check-in and check-out with the PeduliLindungi application. Visitors under 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent to enter the shopping center/mall/trade center. Meanwhile, children’s playgrounds and entertainment venues in shopping centers/malls/trade centers are closed. However, cinemas can operate at 50% capacity. Only visitors who are allowed to enter the green and yellow categories at PeduliLindungi, and are required to check-in and check-out with the application. Visitors under the age of 12 are prohibited from entering the cinema. While inside the cinema, visitors are also prohibited from eating and drinking or selling food or beverages.
Construction Area
Construction sites for public infrastructure (construction sites and project sites) can operate 100% with operating hours and capacity settings. Meanwhile, non-infrastructure construction sites are allowed to operate with a maximum of 30 people.
Places of Worship
Places of worship such as mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries, and pagodas can hold worship/religious activities in congregation with a maximum of 50% capacity or 50 people.
Healthcare Facilities
As an essential place, especially during the pandemic, health care facilities are allowed to operate at 100%.
Public Areas and Crowded Places
In order to minimize crowds, public facilities, public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, and other public areas are temporarily closed. However, certain tourist attractions may operate until 9 p.m as a form of trial. Visitors are required to check-in and check-out before entering and leaving tourist attractions. Children under 12 years old are prohibited from entering tourist attractions. The tourist attractions that are allowed to open during this trial period are determined by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. Regarding access to tourist attractions, an odd-even system is implemented along the road to and from tourist sites starting Friday at 12 p.m until Sunday at 6 p.m.
Locations for arts, culture and social activities that can cause crowds are temporarily closed. Wedding receptions can be held with a maximum of 20 invitees with no on-site dining. Then, what about sports facilities? Sports activities which are held in a closed room, or carried out in groups, and sports competitions are temporarily suspended. However, outdoor sports facilities can operate until 9 p.m, with temperature checks, implementation of check-in and check-out, and without spectators. Activities may be carried out individually or up to 4 people without regular physical contact and close interaction. Outdoor sports facilities are allowed to be opened at 50% of the normal capacity. During exercise, visitors must also continue to wear masks, aside from swimming. Restaurants/cafes within sports facilities are permitted to provide dine-in service with a capacity of 50% and a maximum dine time of 60 minutes.
Modes of Transportation
During the PPKM Level 3 period, public transportation, mass transportation, conventional and online taxis, and rental/rental vehicles can still operate at 50% of capacity. Meanwhile, online and conventional taxi bikes can operate as usual.
All activities in public places that operate during PPKM Level 3 mentioned above must be carried out in accordance with strict health protocols.
Safe Entrance for Entering and Exiting Public Places During PPKM
As explained in the summary of PPKM Level 3 regulations above, several public places in Jakarta enforce check-in and check-out for visitors and workers. Apart from the PeduliLindungi application, Smartcitizens can check-in and check-out through the Safe Entrance by PeduliLindungi feature in the JAKI application. In this feature, you can also see the number of visitors per total permitted public space capacity. With this Safe Entrance system, the place manager can monitor the number of visitors and track the movement in and out of a public space.
Those are the public places that operate during PPKM Level 3 and their regulations. The community has indeed been obtained to carry out activities in public places. The management of the place has also implemented strict regulations. However, we as visitors must also maintain personal health protocols, yes. Don’t be careless, because we are still in the middle of a pandemic.
If you want to use the Safe Entrance feature at JAKI, you can download the application on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. JAKI also offers various other services such as Covid-19 vaccination registration. Very useful, right? Come on, make the best use of JAKI technology!