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3 Aid Programs by the Jakarta Provincial Government During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Mike Nafizahni

30 August 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes for us. One of them is the culture of mutual help which is back in the air. The Jakarta Provincial Government realizes the importance of working together to get through this pandemic. Therefore, there are 3 aid programs designed to help citizens affected by Covid-19 in Jakarta.

Bansos PSBB: Helping Vulnerable Family

Covid-19 Social Aid or Bansos PSBB is an aid program from the Jakarta Provincial Government to vulnerable families affected by Covid-19 in Jakarta. This aid was distributed during the PSBB period with funding comes from Jakarta's APBD and the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

The aid package given is worth IDR 275,000 per package, in the form of 2 sacks of rice (5 kgs per sack), 4 cans of sardines (155 grams per can), 1 can of biscuits, 2 pouches of cooking oil (0,9 liters per pack), 1 pouch of soy sauce (520 ml), flour (1 kg), 2 packs of glass noodle (320 grams per pack), and 1 soap bar.

Until 6 August 2020, Covid-19 Social Aid has been distributed to 2.4 million heads of families (KK) in Jakarta and will continue to grow until the end of 2020. You can find complete information about Covid-19 Social Aid, check whether you are a recipient of Covid-19 Social Aid, or monitor Covid-19 Social Aid distribution through the Covid-19 Social Aid Platform.

KSBB Pangan Program: From Citizens for Citizens

In contrast to Bansos PSBB, Food Large-scale Social Collaboration Program or KSBB Pangan program is a platform facilitated by the Jakarta Provincial Government to help others. The aid provided through the KSBB Pangan program comes from the citizens to be given to the citizens. The targets are communities and associations that need help, such as prioritized lower-class hamlets (RW), orphanages, Islamic boarding schools, nursing homes, and homes for the disabled.

You can become a collaborator of the KSBB Pangan program by providing aid through official KSBB Pangan distribution partners, they are Palang Merah Indonesia, Baznas DKI Jakarta, Yayasan Rumah Zakat, Aksi Cepat Tanggap, Human Initiative, serta Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika.

If you want to provide direct aid, you can visit the KSBB Pangan Platform to determine the location for the distribution of aid and choose a package of aid.

The aid packages provided consists of:

  • Ready-to-Serve Packages worth IDR45,000 per person

  • Food Packages worth IDR200,000 per head of the family (KK) per week

  • Eid packages worth IDR85,000 (once)

  • THR packages worth IDR 50,000 per person (once)

Until July 17, 2020, more than 350.000 basic food packages have been distributed through the KSBB Pangan program. You can find information about the KSBB Pangan program, check whether you are a recipient, or join as a collaborator through the KSBB Pangan Platform.

[KSBB: Aid from Citizens for Citizens]

KSBB UMKM Program: Boosting the Grassroots Economy

If KSBB Pangan is intended for citizens affected by Covid-19, SMEs Large-scale Social Collaboration program or KSBB UMKM program is specifically for small and medium businesses in Jakarta. There are 3 alternative reference packages in the KSBB UMKM program.

  • Infrastructure Package

Consists of a Food SME package worth IDR 200,000 per SME, in the form of supporting facilities such as masks, face shields, aprons, etc. Then the Hawker Center Package worth IDR 5,000,000 per location, in the form of supporting infrastructure such as a portable sink, large trash can, disinfectant and spray equipment, etc.

  • Capital Loan Package

In the form of cash as a capital loan, consisting of Package 1 worth IDR 5,000,000 per business, Package 2 worth IDR 7,500,000 per business, and Package 3 worth IDR 10,000,000 per business.

  • Training Package

In the form of hard skills and soft skills training about entrepreneurship. Hard skill training such as Fashion/Creative Craft Training worth IDR 5,800,000 per 40 participants (including resource persons and teaching materials), or other hard skill training. Meanwhile, soft skills training such as entrepreneurial motivation, marketing strategies, financial management, and branding worth IDR5,000,000 per 40 participants.

You can find information about KSBB UMKM through the website. You can also provide assistance and revive the people's economy in Jakarta through the KSBB UMKM Platform. If you are an entrepreneur who needs help from KSBB UMKM, registers your business to Jakpreneur through the Jakpreneur website.

[SMEs Large-scale Social Collaboration: Helping Small Businesses of Jakarta]

We can’t go through this pandemic alone. Therefore, working hand in hand in helping is the key. Give your help by supporting, monitoring, or being a collaborator of the aid program provided by the Jakarta Provincial Government. So, every aid provided can be right on target and effective for those in need.

Jakarta Covid-19 Response
PSBB Social Aid

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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