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Which Covid-19 Vaccine Is Suitable For You?

Teresa Simorangkir

03 September 2021

After Sinovac, Sinopharm, and AstraZeneca are already rolling out in Jakarta, Pfizer and Moderna have also recently joined the lineup for the current vaccination program. As more vaccines are available, you just can’t help but think: “What vaccine is the best for me?”

Before we dive into the discussion, you have to bear this in mind: all vaccines provide protection to avoid severe symptoms of Covid-19. Whatever type it is, getting vaccinated is always better than not being vaccinated at all.

[Types of Covid-19 Vaccines: What Are The Differences?]


The Sinovac vaccine (or CoronaVac) is a Covid-19 vaccine developed by Biotech Ltd. Since 11 January 2021, the Sinovac vaccine has officially received the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Badan POM) to be given to the public.

Suitable for: 12 years and over, the elderly, pregnant women, and individuals with comorbidities

The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority has announced the use of Sinovac for children aged 12–17 on 27 June 2021. Furthermore, research shows that the Sinovac is proven to be immunogenic and can be tolerated by healthy elderly people aged 60 years and over. The side effects tend to be mild to moderate, so it’s not surprising that in Jakarta, the Sinovac vaccine is generally given to the elderly. Sinovac can also be given to people with comorbidities such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease.

For pregnant women, you must be in these conditions to be eligible to get vaccinated:

  1. in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  2. have normal blood pressure;
  3. have no symptoms or preeclampsia;
  4. currently not undergoing certain treatment;
  5. comorbidities with controlled conditions.

Not recommended for: individuals with a history of anaphylaxis to vaccine components

Sinovac is not recommended for people who had a history of anaphylaxis to any component of the vaccine. Therefore, it’s very important to communicate with the vaccinator if you have certain allergies prior to the vaccination.


Sinopharm was developed in China by the Beijing Bio-Institute of Biological Products. In Indonesia, the Sinopharm vaccine is distributed by PT Kimia Farma under the name SARS-Cov-2 Vaccine Vero Cell Inactivated. This vaccine is generally administered through the Vaksinasi Gotong Royong program.

Suitable for: 18 years and over

Sinopharm vaccine showed an efficacy of 78.02%. There are no reports of grade 3 local side effects in people over 60 years.

Not recommended for: pregnant women, under 18 years, individuals with a history of anaphylaxis to vaccine components

Sinopharm is not recommended for people who have anaphylaxis. Pregnant women are also not recommended to be given this vaccine as the current data is not sufficient to demonstrate the efficacy as well as a possible risk in pregnant women.


The AstraZeneca (or AZD1222) vaccine was developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca in the UK. Besides Indonesia, AstraZeneca is used by countries in Asia such as Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea.

Suitable for: 18 years and over and individuals with controlled comorbidities

During the trial period, the efficacy of AstraZeneca was at 85% for people aged 65 years and over, and it’s proven safe for use in this age group. In Indonesia, AstraZeneca is recommended for those who have comorbidities, as long as the condition is controlled.

Not recommended for: under 18 years, pregnant women, and individuals who have a history of allergies to vaccine components

There’s not enough research data regarding the efficacy and safety of AstraZeneca for adolescents under 18 years and pregnant women. Therefore, AstraZeneca is currently not recommended for this group.

[Q&A About The AstraZeneca Vaccine with dr. Adam Prabata]


Moderna vaccine (or mRNA-1273) is manufactured by Moderna, Inc. and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headquartered in the United States. Jakarta started rolling out Moderna to the public at the end of August, as a first and second dose, not as a booster. Currently, Moderna is only available in 35 health facilities in Jakarta.

Suitable for: individuals with comorbidities, individuals who can’t be vaccinated with Sinovac or AstraZeneca, and individuals who haven’t received any Covid-19 vaccine

In Jakarta, Moderna is prioritized for people with comorbidities such as kidney failure, cancer, and immune disorders. In addition, Moderna is also given to people who cannot be vaccinated with Sinovac or AstraZeneca, as well as people who have never received a Covid-19 vaccine. If you belong to these categories, bring along a doctor’s recommendation letter before getting vaccinated.

Not recommended for: under 18 years and people with a history of allergies to components of mRNA vaccine

Recent studies haven’t demonstrated the safety of the Moderna vaccine for adolescents under 18 years. The vaccine also can’t be taken by individuals who are allergic to any components of mRNA vaccine.

[Get to Know the Moderna Vaccine]


The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2 or Comirnaty) was developed by BioNTech SE, a German biotechnology company, with Pfizer Inc., a pharmaceutical company based in the United States. In Indonesia, the Pfizer vaccine has been distributed since 20 August 2021. So far, there are 16 health facilities in Jakarta that provide Pfizer to the public.

Suitable for: 12 years and over, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, immunocompromised individuals, and individuals who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine

In Jakarta, people who have immunocompromised conditions such as autoimmune, severe comorbidities, chronic diseases, and other immunological disorders are the priority to get the Pfizer vaccine. According to studies, Pfizer is effective for breastfeeding mothers and they don’t have to stop breastfeeding after being vaccinated.

Not recommended for: under 12 years and people with a history of allergy to components of the mRNA vaccine

Research on Pfizer for children ages 5–11 is still ongoing. However, because the data is not sufficient yet, the vaccine is currently not recommended for said category.

[Get to Know Pfizer Vaccines]

Vaccination is still ongoing in Jakarta. The program, which was initially arranged by the government only, is now getting more support from more sectors through the opening of vaccination centers. Groups of people who couldn’t be vaccinated due to medical conditions are now up for vaccination as Pfizer and Moderna are available here. Needless to say, access to vaccination is getting easier every day, so while the golden opportunity is there, grab it! Invite your friends and family to get vaccinated and register them via JAKI which you can download on Play Store and App Store. Be on the lookout for the latest info on vaccination in Jakarta by following us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Teresa Simorangkir

A writer and a lifelong learner.

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