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The Meaning of Color from Vaccination Status in JAKI

Syora Alya Eka Putri

14 July 2021

Have you registered for vaccination through the JAKI app? If you have, then you will notice a variety of colors in the vaccination status, where each color has its own meaning. These colors are red, orange, and green. Then what is the meaning behind each of these colors? 


If you get a red label on your vaccination status, it means you haven't been vaccinated. It could be that you have not registered for the vaccination program or you have received a vaccination appointment but for one reason or another, you can not come to the vaccination site. In the JAKI application, you will find the following status. 


Red status on JAKI shows user yet to scheduled for vaccination

If you have not received a vaccination schedule, then you can register for vaccination with JAKI. To make an appointment, you can click on the “Daftar Vaksinasi Covid-19” button as shown in the picture above. After that you can fill in your personal data and choose the vaccination schedule at the desired health facility. You can also check vaccination quota at each health facility through this link


Red status shows user have made an appointment, but have not been vaccinated

Once you have registered for vaccination, the color of the vaccine status will remain red. So, the next step is to fill the pre-screening information and then you can come to the health facilities listed in JAKI according to the schedule. Don't forget before vaccinating, you should take care of your health so as not to get infected with Covid-19 before the vaccine. 



Orange status on JAKI after getting a first dose of vaccine

Then, there is a orange status like the one above. You will see this status when you've got the first dose of vaccine. Then, you can also see the schedule for the second dose of vaccine on the vaccination certificate after the first dose or via a short message. After getting the first dose, you need to maintain your health and adhere to the 5M health protocol so that you do not contract the Covid-19 virus until you get the second dose of vaccine. 



Green status after getting a second dose of vaccine

Finally, you'll find green on your vaccination status. This color indicates that you have received the first dose and the second dose of vaccine at the health facility. Remember, after getting the second dose, you also still need to comply with the 5M health protocol and maintain the health of yourself and your family. 

Well, that's the three colors of vaccination status and its meaning. After this, you don't have to feel confused if you find these colors in your vaccination status. To get the latest information about vaccination or if you want to register for vaccines in Jakarta, you can get it through the JAKI app, which is now available on the Google Play Store or App Store.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Syora Alya Eka Putri

Seorang content writer di Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Kebijakan Pembangunan Sosial di Universitas Indonesia.

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