April 23, 2020, the Government of Jakarta initiated the Large-Scale
Social Collaboration (KSBB) as a medium for people who want to help each
other during the Covid-19 pandemic. With this, you can actively
participate in distributing aid packages with the help of an interactive
map on the corona.jakarta.go.id site. The benefits of the KSBB program had been felt by more than 80 thousand families (KK).
At the end of July, the Government of Jakarta expanded the
function of the KSBB program with the launch of a new donation platform
called KSBB UMKM, which aimed at helping MSMEs (Micro Small Medium
Enterprises) in Jakarta.
The principles remain the same. All assistance channeled
through KSBB UMKM comes from the general public, not the government,
which in this case only acts as a facilitator.
[SMEs Large-scale Social Collaboration: Helping Small Businesses of Jakarta]
How to Make a Donation in KSBB UMKM?
Given the huge contribution it gives, MSMEs are often seen
as the backbone of Jakarta's economy. However, the Coronavirus outbreak
made MSMEs the most vulnerable economic group amid the pandemic.
In order to survive, they must face numerous challenges and
limitations that arise during this difficult time. The forms of the
obstacles may vary, from difficulties in obtaining funds to meeting the
necessary hygiene standards.
If you want to contribute and help ease the burden of the MSMEs entrepreneurs, you can visit the main page of KSBB UMKM.
There, you can find three alternative types of assistance
packages that will be provided: Facilities and Infrastructure Package,
the Capital Loan Package, and the Training Package.
Facilities and Infrastructure Package
This package includes the provision of additional equipment
or facilities that can support MSME operations during a pandemic such
as disinfectants, portable hand washing stations, gloves, and masks.
Follow the instruction below on how to contribute with this type of
Visit the KSBB UMKM map to see the location, profile, and photos of MSMEs;
Select the MSMEs that you want to help;
Press the 'Give Help' button and complete the commitment form given;
Coordinate and distribute the assistance package with the MSME of your choice;
When the package has been received, report the
distribution of donations by entering the collaboration ID number at the
top of the KSBB UMKM main page.

Capital Loan Package
This package is intended to help finance an MSME, which is
distributed through two fintech (financial technology) institutions that
have partnered with the Government of Jakarta. To provide capital loan
package assistance, follow the instructions below:
Complete the commitment form for capital assistance here;
Choose a fintech institution for channeling donations;
Perform e-contracts on the fintech platform and distribute donations according to the mechanism set by the fintech;
Monitor the MSMEs that you help. After the loan is returned by the MSME, the funds will be donated back to the people in need.

Training Package
This package includes two types of training (hard skills
and soft skills) that can be utilized by MSME owners to gain insight and
improve their skills in running a business. If you want to help
organize training, follow the steps below:
Determine the type of training you want to provide;
Complete the training commitment form;
Coordinate and organize training with the MSMEs of your choice;
After the training was successfully held, report the activities on the KSBB UMKM platform.
The process of transferring funds and distributing KSBB
UMKM assistance can be done through institutions or agencies that have
collaborated with the Government of Jakarta. Currently, there are two
Fintech institutions to help channel capital loans as well as other
humanitarian organizations, such as Baznas Bazis DKI and Rumah Zakat
Foundation, for distribution of other aid packages.

To see a complete list of institutions, bank account
numbers, and contacts required for assistance coordination, go back to
the KSBB UMKM page and press the 'Join Donation' button. Together we can
work hand in hand in reviving MSME activities and the economy of