Do you already know that there are new features such as vaccination data, vaccine coverage, and vaccination maps on website? From these three features, it will be easier to see how vaccinations are progressing in Jakarta. To see the coverage data and vaccination map, you can choose the Vaccination menu, where there is a choice of vaccine coverage and vaccination map. Now, let's have a closer look on how to read the data available in the features. Before that, you can also see the overview of vaccination data on the main page of the

On this page, you will see the total target number for vaccination in DKI Jakarta Province. Right below that is the total target of vaccines in Indonesia. Below, you will see the total number of vaccine programs 1 vaccine dose and 2 vaccine doses in Jakarta, then you will also see the number of people vaccinated today along with the total number vaccinated in Indonesia and the proportion of the number of vaccines jakarta. For example, in the chart dated June 28, 2021, you will see the number of people vaccinated at dose 1 is 27,273 and the number of people vaccinated at dose 2 is 1,684. Next, you will see vaccination achievements based on age 18-59 years, age 60 and above, and gotong royong vaccination per dose 1 and dose 2.
Vaccination Coverage
In the coverage section, you can see vaccination achievements by region per sub-district based on health facilities over a period of time. So, you can see how much vaccination coverage by sub-district along with the details of the target reached.

In the chart above, there is a map of Jakarta and a map of the Thousand Islands. In the map you can see the area per sub-district marked by blue. The darker the blue color on the map, the higher the vaccination coverage in the region. In the picture there is one dark blue color, namely Tanah Abang subdistrict with a percentage of 416.5% of the total target which means it is exceeding the target more than four times, then there is the North Thousand Islands subdistrict with a percentage of 67.89% of the total target, and lastly, there is the South Thousand Islands subdistrict with a percentage of 88.46% of the total target. You can get the number, if you click on a region in the map.
Meanwhile, if you look at the light blue color, it means that the area has a small amount of vaccination coverage. From the data below for example, you see Menteng Subdistrict, has an accumulated number of vaccine dose coverage of 78,053 with a total percentage of 115.5%. That is, because the area is a medium category, which is characterized by a fairly dark blue color, but not as dark as the Tanah Abang area.

Next, in the chart below the map, there is a graph of vaccination dose 1 accumulation. In the data, you can see the accumulation of vaccinations by date. You can see the historical data of all the sub-districts in Jakarta. There is a total amount of accumulated vaccination on each date. From the chart, you can see the highest vaccination accumulation on June 23, which was 156,482, while the lowest vaccination accumulation on June 13, which was 198.
In the next graph, you can see in detail the vaccination coverage of each sub-district in Jakarta. In the graph, you can see the total target, the accumulation of vaccine dose 1, along with the percentage. This means you can monitor whether your area has many people who have been vaccinated or not. Well to see if your region has met the reach of the daily target, you can see the chart below.

In the graph above, you can see whether or not your region has reached the vaccination target per day. The graph shows the achievement of the first dose daily target per subdistrict. On the chart, you can see one of the areas that have been achieved, namely Cipayung Subdistrict, because the graph is green, while the other areas are red, the color indicates that the area has not reached the daily target of the first dose of vaccine. For a more detailed number, you can click the bar graph.

When you hover your cursor over each bar, you can also see the amount of coverage of the first daily dose of the vaccine with the number of daily targets.
Vaccination Map
To see a more detailed vaccination coverage map in district and RT level, you can use the two dedicated vaccination maps that are now available, district-based and RT-based.

Vaccination Map (district-based)

Vaccination Map (RT-based)
The map was provided by the Jakarta Spatial and Land Office with data sourced from website, Jakarta Smart City, Jakarta Health Office, Jakarta Population and Civil Registry Office, and Jakarta Satu. The data contained in the vaccination map (district and RT-based) can be downloaded as well, which see it above the map. Now, we go into each section in the vaccination map feature and the vaccination map per RT.
Vaccination Map (District-based)
In the vaccination map, you will see the total vaccines given along with the vaccination targets, regional maps, and also the total vaccines based on the type of vaccine, namely the gotong royong vaccine (vaccine organized by the private company), health workers vaccine, elderly vaccine, and public service vaccine. You can also view a graph per city area based on the coverage of the first dose vaccine.

First, you can see a graph of the total vaccines given. You can see what the total number of vaccines dose 1 and dose 2. In addition, you can see the vaccination target, the number of people that have not been vaccinated, and the number of people that have been vaccinated with the first dose. At the end of this section, you can see the number of percentages that have not been vaccinated and the ones that have been vaccinated with the first dose.

In this map image, you'll see areas based on colors ranging from light green to dark green. To see the caption, you can click on the legend section, right next to the house icon. From there, you can see, the brighter the green color, the more people who have been vaccinated with the first dose. Meanwhile, the darker the green color, means that the fewer people who have been vaccinated with the first dose. You can also see the description per village area by clicking on the area.

In the graph above, you can see the total number of vaccines given in total for dose 1 and dose 2. Below it, you can see the total amount given and the details of the total number of dose 1 and dose 2 given of each village in Jakarta. You can see the types of vaccinations whether it was based on the gotong royong vaccine, health workers vaccine, elderly vaccine, and public servant vaccine. Just below the graph of the number of vaccines given based on types, you will see a graph of the number of people that have been vaccinated with doses 1 by region per city. In the chart, you will see the city of East Jakarta being the highest area in the number of people vaccinated with dose 1, 672.2 thousand people, followed by West Jakarta, South Jakarta, North Jakarta, Central Jakarta, and finally Thousand Islands.
Vaccination Map (RT-based)
In addition, you can also see the amount of vaccine coverage by RT area. Similarly, on the district-based vaccination map, you can also see the total number of vaccinations, the map of the region, the number of vaccination targets, the number of unvaccinated, and the number that has been vaccinated with the first dose.

From the image above, you can see the number of RT with vaccination target, dose 1’s unvaccinated target, and dose 2’s unvaccinated target. From the number of RT, you can see that there are still many RT areas that have not been vaccinated with dose 1 and dose 2 from the total target. Furthermore, you can see more details of all RT by looking at it from the map of the region, as below.

Similarly, on the vaccination map by district, you will see the variety of green colors on the RT-based vaccination map The darker the green color means there are still fewer people who have been vaccinated, and vice versa. The lighter the green color, meaning the more number of people who have been vaccinated. To see the amount of details on each RT, all you have to do is click on which region you want to see. An example is as follows.

For example, you can click RT-based vaccination information in the Cibubur area. You can see detailed information which includes the name of RT, village, city, population, vaccination target, vaccination percentage, number of unvaccinated, percentage number of unvaccinated, total dose of vaccine 1 and 2 along with the percentage of vaccinated dose 1.
You can also see the number of vaccine targets from all the villages in Jakarta, which graphics are available next to the map image, as shown below. In addition to the target number of vaccinations, you can also see the number of unvaccinated as well as those that have been vaccinated with the first dose.

In this graph, you can see the total number of vaccination targets, unvaccinated, and vaccinated. Below that, you can see a list of RT with the highest vaccination targets from each village. You can see if the RT area has been vaccinated with dose 1 and dose 2. For example, in the target number section, you can see that RT 016 RW 017 area in Penjaringan Village, has a target number of 3,892, while the number that has been vaccinated with dose 1 is 462, the number that has been vaccinated with dose 2 is 156. And in the next part, you can see the number of unvaccinated in the area is 3,430.
Well, lastly, you can see the total number of RT that has been vaccinated based on the city area. In the graph you can see the number of RT by the highest number of vaccinated to the lowest. In this chart, you will see the East Jakarta area has the most number of RT vaccinated which is 7.8 thousand, and the lowest area is the Thousand Islands with a total of 127. If you want to filter by RT region per city, you can click on the graph of which regions you want to see. For example, if you click on South Jakarta, it will show the data from RT’s that are only located in the South Jakarta area.

By reading the data, you will see if there are many people who have been vaccinated or not in your respective regions. You can also participate in the vaccination program by registering through the JAKI app, available at Google Play Store and App Store.. While doing so, please check the quota for each health facility in the ‘JAKI’s Vaccination Quota’ submenu. In addition to the information about vaccinations, you can also see data on the development of Covid 19 cases on website.