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Omicron Variants: How To Prevent Its Transmission?

Teresa Simorangkir

17 January 2022

The Omicron variant (or variant B.1.1.529) has infected Indonesia. As we’re slowly resuming our normal life, this occurrence sure brings up a lot of worries. In Indonesia, the first confirmed case of the Omicron variant was announced on December 16, 2021 which was found in one of the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran officers. The Minister of Health has also confirmed that the variant has proven to be more infectious. So, what should we do to prevent the transmission of Omicron variants?

The Spread of Omicron Variants in Other Countries

Based on data reported by Statista, the UK is the country with the highest cases of the Omicron variant with a total of more than 124,435 cases (data as of January 12, 2022). It’s followed by the United States with a total of 90,211 cases, Denmark reported 18,255 cases, France with 4,686 cases, and Australia with 3,831 cases.

Things We Can Do To Prevent Omicron Variants

Many sources state that the Omicron variant might be less severe than other variants. However, this shouldn’t be dismissed as mild as the variant is way more infectious, which has the potential to put a strain on already stretched health workers and hospitals. WHO even estimates that there’s a possibility that the spread of the Omicron variant will outpace the Delta variant in the community. Here are things we can do to stop the spread of Omicron variants.

Avoid Traveling Abroad

The Omicron variant cases in Indonesia are dominated by Indonesians who have just returned from overseas trips. In addition, the transmission of Omicron in Indonesia has continued to increase since it was first confirmed. As of January 10, 2022, as many as 407 Indonesians have been infected with this variant.

Based on the Circular Letter of COVID-19 Task Force No. 1/2022, the government prohibits foreigners from entering Indonesia if they have a travel history of the last two weeks from these 14 countries. First, visits from countries that have confirmed cases of the Omicron variant such as South Africa, Botswana, Norway, France. Then, the countries that are geographically close to the four countries such as Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini, Lesotho. Finally, countries that have more than 10,000 Omicron cases, such as the UK and Denmark.

Take Test Immediately if You Have Fever

The Omicron variant is known to have flu-like symptoms. The difference is that symptomatic Covid-19 infection is often characterized by fever. Meanwhile, flu can be with or without fever. People infected with Covid-19 also usually experience anosmia (lost sense of smell), sore throat, dry cough, stuffy nose, muscle aches, and lower back pain. If you experience these symptoms, especially after meeting other people, it’s wise to immediately take an antigen test or PCR.

Vaccination and Health Protocols Are Still Proven Effective

As the virus that causes Covid-19 is still circulating, there’s a high chance that the virus will keep mutating. So, the best way to prevent new variants is to stop the virus from spreading. In addition to avoiding overseas travel, prevention of Omicron variants can be done by getting vaccinations and consistently complying with the standard health protocols (wearing your masks, washing your hands, keeping your distance from others, avoiding the crowds, avoiding traveling, and avoiding eating together).

In a study of more than one million cases of Covid, researchers in Britain found that people who had received a booster dose were 81% less likely to be hospitalized, compared to those who hadn’t been vaccinated. For the case of the Omicron variant, people who had already received two doses of the vaccine were 65% less likely to be hospitalized.

Stay Alert of Omicron Variants With JAKI

JAKI can be your company to stay alert during this time. If you happen to find a violation during the activity restriction, you can use JakLapor to report the violation. Then, there is Safe Entrance feature that you can use to check-in and check out while in public spaces. You can keep your tabs on the Covid-19 cases and vaccination information with JakWarta that will send you the latest updates daily. Don’t have JAKI yet? Get the application on the Play Store or App Store

The emerging cases of the Omicron variant are proof that the pandemic is far from over. Therefore let’s continue to take care of ourselves and the people around us.

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Teresa Simorangkir

A writer and a lifelong learner.

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