It has been almost a year since the Covid-19 vaccination program running in Indonesia, including in Jakarta. Thanks to the welcoming response by residents who quickly took the Covid-19 vaccines and still maintained health protocols, the number of Covid-19 cases is now at a relatively low number. As of November 24, 83% of residents with Jakarta ID cards have at least received one dose of vaccine and 70% of residents have been fully vaccinated with the second dose. On the same date, there are only 462 active cases, down by 24 patients from the previous day.
For those of you who have not been vaccinated due to various reasons, such as having just recovered from Covid-19 and now you want to take part in vaccinations, registration for the Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta through JAKI is still open! To begin the registration process, you can click the ‘Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19’ (vaccination registration) banner on the JAKI homepage.
With the vaccination registration still ongoing, questions regarding vaccination registration still keep coming. But don't worry, here are some solutions to vaccination problems that you may encounter.
Not Scheduled After Registered for Vaccination

For those of you who experience this problem, please send an email to by including your full name, NIK (ID card number), and photo of your KTP/Family Card (for ages 12-17). After that you just have to wait for a reply and get a schedule according to your preferences.
Rearranging Your Vaccine Appointment
You have registered for vaccination at JAKI, but on the day of vaccination you cannot leave for very important reasons which cannot be delayed or shifted. Do not worry. You can wait until the day after your initial appointment and re-register through JAKI. Remember to choose your new appointment wisely. You need to keep in mind that many people who do want to register through JAKI at the same date and location of your choice.
Vaccine Certificate Not Appeared
If your vaccine certificate has not appeared, it could be because your data does not match the data in Pcare. Make sure you complete the data in the PeduliLindungi application, or send email to by writing your full name, NIK, date of birth, phone number, details of the problem, photo of the vaccine card, and selfie photo of you with your ID card.
Re-registration for Dose 2 Vaccination

When you are vaccinated, you will get a vaccination card containing your data, such as your name, dose, and type of vaccine. In addition, there is also information on the location where you can be administered with a second dose of vaccine. Before you go to the written location for your second dose, make sure whether the vaccination site listed on your card is actually administering vaccines on that day. If not, you should re-register through JAKI with the location and schedule where a second dose is available. For quota availability and vaccination schedules, please check at By re-registering at JAKI for dose 2, you have confirmed your vaccination slot and avoid the possibility of running out of quota when you arrive at your vaccination site.
Vaccination for Children and Teens
Vaccination for children has just opened for ages 12 to 17 years. Meanwhile, for the age of 6-11 years, the vaccination registration has not been opened yet. Although there is already a permit for the emergency use of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for children 6-11 years old from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and has been recommended by the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the Indonesian Ministry of Health stated the dosage for 6-11 years is insufficient, so the vaccination will be postponed until 2022.
Requirements for Non-Jakarta ID Card Holders
Smartcitizen, surely you already know that the Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta is already allowed for non-DKI residents? Yep, those of you with non-DKI ID cards can also register through JAKI. When your registration is complete and you arrive at the vaccination location, you only need to bring your ID card/Photocopy of KK (for ages 12-17 years), control card, and vaccination card for injecting dose 2 (if you have been vaccinated dose 1).
Data Error on Vaccination Certificate
Mistakes can happen on the day of vaccination. You or the officer may enter the wrong data, so the data on the vaccination certificate is wrong. If this happens, complete the data in the PeduliLindung application, or email to by writing your full name, NIK, date of birth, contact number, problem details, photo of vaccine card, and selfie photo with your ID card.
"NIK Not Registered"
When someone registers for vaccination, data such as NIK, full name, etc. will be entered into the PCare system through Smart Checking. If it says "Unregistered NIK", it could be that your NIK data does not match the data in Pcare which comes from the Central Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil).
To overcome this problem, you can send an email to by including your full name, NIK, and photo of your KTP/KK.
Quota Information Difference
On the day when you plan to register for vaccination, you can visit the website to see the vaccination quota in the location you want. After seeing that the quota is still available at that location, you can easily register yourself at JAKI. However, that day you see that in JAKI your wanted location is not available. How could that be?
Smartcitizen, you need to know that the vaccination quota through JAKI is always updated daily and the remaining quota is updated every 15 minutes. When a new quota is added, there could be a lot of people registering and taking quota slots, while on the website, the remaining vaccination quota has not been updated by the system. If so, you must try again periodically to see the vaccination quota in the desired location or you can change your location choice.
If you have registered, you must remember that your chosen quota is also awaited by many people. So, make sure you come on schedule at the location of your choice.
Don't Hesitate, Register for Vaccination at JAKI
If you encounter problems and require to send your personal data, make sure you only send your data via official email as the designated channel and not through social media. Emails that you send to official channels will certainly be protected. Smartcitizen, with solutions to various problems at JAKI, you certainly don't need to hesitate to register for vaccinations through JAKI. You just need to click the "Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19" banner at JAKI and follow the next steps in the application. Don't hesitate anymore, let's download and register for vaccinations via JAKI, available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.