Another good news for Jakartan! Since August 2021, the Moderna
vaccine used for the Covid-19 vaccination has been available in the
capital. Initially, Moderna vaccination was prioritized for medical
workers and the general public at certain health facilities with limited
quotas. Then, in line with the efforts to optimize the vaccination
program, the Jakarta Provincial Government through the Health Agency is
opening Moderna vaccinations for a wider recipients.
Moderna's vaccination quota is also increased. There are also
additional health facilities that provide Moderna vaccines. The public
can also register for the Moderna vaccination on the JAKI
application. So, if you have not been vaccinated and are planning to be
vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, you are reading the right article.
Before being vaccinated, you need to know information about the vaccine
itself, its requirements, and the location where the vaccine is
available. You can find them in the following article
A Brief Explanation About Moderna Vaccine
The Moderna vaccine (or mRNA-1273)
is produced by the United States biotechnology company, Moderna. This
vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA) type that uses genetic material to
provide a stimulus to body cells to form antibodies. Just like most
other types of vaccines, the Moderna vaccine requires 2 shots.
Indonesia, the Moderna vaccine itself has passed the safety and
efficacy test from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) with the
Experts of the National Covid-19 Vaccine Assessment Committee and the
Indonesia Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI). In the
recipient age group of 18 to under 65 years, the Moderna vaccine was
able to prevent the severity effect of Covid-19 infection by 94.1%.
Meanwhile, for the age group of 65 years and over, the Moderna vaccine
was able to prevent the severity of 86.4%. Moderna's vaccine is also
effective in clinical trials to prevent Covid-19 infection among people of various age, gender, racial and ethnic categories as well as people with certain medical conditions.
[Get To Know The Moderna Vaccine]
countries such as the United States, Italy, United Kingdom, and
Singapore have also used the Moderna vaccine. According to a 2020 study
in the United States, the efficacy rate of the Moderna vaccine reached 91.4%
after 2 doses. This is a hope in the midst of Covid-19 transmissions in
the states. Italy is also experiencing the positive effects of the
Moderna vaccine. At least, cases of Covid-19 among adults in Italy in
May 2021 decreased by 80%,
five weeks after the first dose of vaccine was administered. One of the
vaccines used is Moderna. However, it is important for vaccine
recipients to supplement their vaccination with a second shot.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) recorded possible side effects of the Moderna vaccine, such as
pain, redness, and swelling in the arms, fatigue, headaches, muscle
aches, chills, fever, and nausea. However, side effects usually only
occur for 1-2 days after being vaccinated and will disappear within a
few days, which is a normal sign as the body is building protection
against the virus.
Requirements for Moderna Vaccine
now, Moderna vaccination in Jakarta is aimed for Indonesian citizens
aged 18 years and older who have a Jakarta ID card or live in Jakarta.
You also no longer need to bring a doctor's recommendation letter to the
vaccination location to get the Moderna vaccine if you don't have an
autoimmune disease. But, if you do, don't forget to consult your
Vaccination Sites That Provide Moderna Vaccine
an increase in the quota, here is a list of vaccination locations that
can serve Moderna vaccination injections. You can check the vaccine
quota through the Jakarta Responding Covid-19 website. Please pay attention to the type of vaccine dose it provides.

was information about the Moderna vaccination for the public in
Jakarta. If you haven't vaccinated yet, let's get vaccinated first!
Regardless of the type of vaccine you get, it is always a good idea to
get vaccinated immediately so that you can protect yourself and those
around you from the risk of being infected with the virus. Especially
now, the access to vaccines is getting better. To register yourself for
vaccination, you can register through the JAKI application. You can
download JAKI on Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Remember, don’t let this opportunity go to waste! Let’s get vaccinated!